Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Course in Miracles and the Borg

Ok, for all you Trekkies and former Trekkies out there, I know you’ve been looking for that fundamental link between A Course in Miracles and the voyage of the Starship Enterprise. At long last I believe I’ve found it in, of all places, the Borg. I know, I know, the Borg seems to be the true opposite of anything spiritual, but give me a minute to explain.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Practice of Forgiveness

“Practice?!” To most of us, the word practice elicits thoughts of drudgery and repetition, images from childhood of sitting for hours practicing scales on the piano, or standing at the foul line shooting hundreds of free throws, or yet one more pliĆ© at the ballet barre. We are taught that through practice we’ll get better at something, and once we’re good at it, it will ultimately be fun and rewarding.