You’re walking down a quiet
street minding your own business when someone jumps out in front of you, points
a gun at you, and demands all your valuables. You give up your ring, your
phone and your wallet, and the robber takes off. Your first emotion is one of
raw fear at the sight of a gun pointed at you. Once that begins to subside,
there’s a sense of relief that it was only objects that you lost. But finally
there's a feeling of deep anger at the audacity of this person to do that to you.
You know you are completely justified in this anger.
You read about the recent
economic crisis, about people losing their jobs and houses and maybe a whole
way of life. You read about the poverty of children and people living on the
streets. You then read about all the top-level people at the banks who seem to
have caused much of the crisis and discover the huge bonuses they paid
themselves. The anger wells up inside you at the nerve of such people to profit
from the misery of others. This is surely a justifiable anger.
You’ve been in a relationship
for some time with someone who you believe is a true love partner for you. A
deep trust has developed between you and you feel safe inside the relationship.
Then one day out of the blue you discover your partner is having an affair. You
never saw it coming as you lived inside that safety. How dare this person you
trusted treat you this way! You feel hurt, sad, and above all, angry, an anger
you have no problem justifying.
The Normal View of Anger
Dealing with anger is a common
element of most psychological therapies. An important part of the therapy is to
get to the cause of the anger. In most cases suppressing the anger is the wrong
approach. There should be some way to express it, hopefully in a way that is not
too hurtful to someone else. But often it is recommended to confront someone
you feel anger toward and through expressing yourself to that person, it is
expected you will begin the healing process.
We also find anger as part of
the Western religions. In their religious texts, anger is a common theme as we
see men dealing with issues of power and sin and guilt. At times even God gets
angry, and if God can be angry, then surely it’s appropriate for us to get
angry at times, especially if that anger is directed at those who blaspheme God
or attack the faithful of the church. The religious texts tell us these
expressions of anger are entirely justified.
What about Jesus saying turn the
other cheek? Surely this must be situational. If someone stabs you with a knife,
do you say ‘Please stab me again’? Of course not. If someone molests a child,
do you offer another child? Of course not. Even suggesting such things makes
you angry! We have to protect ourselves and our loved ones, don’t we?
In these situations you use your
anger to strike back however you can, often using anger to mobilize your
energy. Anger seems to become a positive force allowing us to break out of a
mode of fear and lethargy and do something that can appear to be heroic.
Clearly heroism is justified.
Anger and the Course
In the Course we learn that
everything happens in the mind and what we believe is outside the mind is an
illusion we are projecting. We learn there is a part of our mind we call the
ego. The ego has one and only one purpose – to maintain the idea of separation,
our belief in separation from God and in separation from others. The ego will
do whatever it can to fulfill its mission, and through our choices we are
willing partners with the ego.
There is another part of our
mind called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the part that remembers our
connection to God. It is the communications link from our illusionary mind in
this world back to the True Mind of God. Through contact with the Holy Spirit
we can choose away from the ego, a choice toward love and peace.
The Course says this about
Anger cannot occur unless you believe that you have been
attacked, that your attack is justified in return, and that you are in no way
responsible for it. (
Just as we’ve seen in our examples, you first believe you have
been attacked, which then allows you to feel justified in attacking in return
knowing you are absolved of any responsibility because you did not initiate the
first attack. But what’s really happening here? Since everything occurs first
within the mind, the ego has projected the illusion of the first attack. When
you attack back, you then perpetuate the action of the ego, which leads to more
attacks seeming to come your way. There is no way out of this endless cycle,
except through understanding what is really going on. The change has to occur
in the mind.
All anger is nothing more than an attempt to make someone
feel guilty… (T-15.VII.10)
The whole idea of feeling better
through expressing your anger falls apart when you realize your ego is simply
taking the guilt you feel and projecting it onto another through anger. You
want that other person to feel guilty for what appears to have happened to you,
but in reality no matter how much you want to believe otherwise, you created it
all in the first place. The anger you express and the guilt you project
increases your sense of separation, which naturally feeds into the ego’s plan.
Your safety in this world will
never come through anger.
[The ego is] dedicated to but one insane belief; that the
more anger you invest outside yourself, the safer you become. It is this chain
that binds the Son of God to guilt, and it is this chain the Holy Spirit would
remove from his holy mind. (T-15.VII.4)
Only through connecting with the Holy Spirit within, only
through forgiveness, can this chain be broken. Through the practice of
forgiveness, you can take this anger and with the help of the Holy Spirit,
forgive all those associated with these events. Pass all the feelings of anger
and fear and guilt to the Holy Spirit where they will simply disappear. Finally
forgive yourself as well.
Through continual forgiveness, momentary feelings of anger can
be instantly forgiven, and you will begin to see how anger is a useless and
debilitating emotion, an emotion that will simply fade away as you continue to
Seeing Others Differently
There is an original guilt we feel for having believed we
separated from God. All the other layers of guilt we experience are an
outgrowth of this original guilt. We use anger to try to hide from this guilt
by projecting it onto others who share this world with us. The Course asks us
to see these others differently, not as the guilty, but as our brothers.
This brother neither leads nor follows us, but walks beside
us on the selfsame road… We make no gains he does not make with us, and we fall
back if he does not advance. Take not his hand in anger but in love, for in his
progress do you count your own. (T-31.II.6)
Lesson 93 in the Workbook offers us a simple answer to the
temptation of anger,
Should you be tempted to become angry with someone, tell him
silently, ‘Light and joy and peace abide in you. Your sinlessness is guaranteed
by God.’ (W-93.11)
You are sinless and guiltless and all the others around you
are sinless and guiltless. This is our Natural State within the Loving Mind of
God. All those on the road with us share this State and through seeing anger
for what it is and applying forgiveness, we can learn to recognize what is our
birthright as Children of God.
God's peace can never come where anger is, for anger
must deny that peace exists. Who sees anger as justified in any way or any
circumstance proclaims that peace is meaningless, and must believe that it
cannot exist… Therefore, forgiveness is the necessary condition for finding the
peace of God. More than this, given forgiveness there must be peace.
Enjoyable Ed and thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I would feel even more helped if you could return to the scenarios you introduce, and finish each one of them showing ways the ACIM philosophy could be implemented.
ReplyDeleteDoug, thanks for the comment and suggestion. I’ll consider it for a future post. There are many practical examples in my books ‘The End of Guilt’ and ‘Practicing Forgiveness’. Peace.
DeleteThank you. I will look for those books.
ReplyDeleteThis is very educational content and written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post!
ReplyDeletea course in miracles
Thanks, Juan.
DeleteThis has helped me tremendously today, it has made me think deeply and freed me more out of anger i though i did not have. It is beautiful and well synthesized. thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome. I'm glad it helped you.
ReplyDeleteI have been asking Jesus to teach, guide and show me about forgiveness and understanding of the Course, and your books started to appear on my path. I have already bought two. Also, many thoughts came into my mind which I didn't trust and dismissed, but then something clicked after coming across with a video about How to Pray. Everything started when in my search I watched a video by Ken Wapnick explanation about atonement , which didn’t make sense to me.. What? You call the Holy Spirit and give your thoughts, then wait? It didn’t work for me because I remained very angry about it and had the compulsion of doing something to fix it, then I felt guilty because I judged myself not doing the Course right. Then, a video came about ' How to pray' . and at some stage this person mention something about acceptance , not of the situation but of the thought about the situation, nothing to do with ' resignation', it was jus accepting it was a thought and let it go. So, it sounded true to me, but still I didn’t understood. Then she talked about gratitude, and it was then I realised that if this world becomes a place of learning through the Holy Spirit, then the loving thing to do is to thank Him for the experience of whatever that helps me to remember who I am. I suddenly felt an expansion of warmth coming from my chest, and I knew that was the way to do it. Now, every stab of pain I feel I give thanks because is a wake up call.