Sunday, December 16, 2012

On the Death of Children

Somewhere in the world, children die every day. It may be through illnesses like dysentery, cancer or a failed heart. It may be from the conflicts of men in Syria, the Congo, or on the streets of an American city. It may simply come from an everyday accident like the intersection of a car and a bicycle or a pedestrian. Somewhere a child dies every day.
Or so it seems.

Monday, December 3, 2012

"He's A God-Fearin' Man"

Growing up in West Virginia in the heart of America’s Bible Belt, I frequently heard statements like “He’s a God-fearin’ man” and “That’ll put the fear of God in him”. Though my upbringing was middle-class and my church was middle-of-the-road Protestant, most of the kids I went to school with and people on the local TV shows we watched used such phrases when talking about their fundamental religion.