How does one go about loving everyone?
In most cases it seems as if we must force ourselves somehow to express this
love. We need to repress all the anger and fear and guilt we feel toward
others, and then turn love on when the occasion arises. It’s a small wonder
that people have to work so hard at this. We tend to view the ones who really
seem able to completely express this selfless love as saints or great people,
not like us ordinary people who must struggle with it.
Love thy neighbor as thyself. (Bible, Leviticus 19:18)
A miracle is a service… It is a way of loving your neighbor
as yourself. (T-1.I.18)
The original ‘Love thy neighbor’ quote
comes from the Old Testament of the Bible, which means it is part of the
foundation of all Western religions. Most Christians know the phrase from
Jesus’ comments in the New Testament, but both this phrase and the Golden Rule
– ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ – predate Jesus’ time by
many centuries.
Different forms of these phrases also
appear in many of the Eastern philosophies. The ‘Love thy neighbor’ phrase is
more of a passive state, while the Golden Rule is intended to guide active
behavior. In both cases the focus is on the neighbor, meaning essentially
everyone you interact with in your life. It seems this act of loving everyone
is, along with one’s relationship with God, a key tenet of most religious
The Point of View of the Course
This idea of loving your neighbor is a
central theme in the Course as well, but the understanding of why it’s so hard
and the process for achieving that love are very different from conventional
religions. In the Course, the word ‘brother’ is used most often instead of
‘neighbor’. Brother is clearly used to mean everyone, no matter what the gender
or age of the person. This relationship with our brothers in this world is key
to all the teachings of the Course.
No one who condemns a brother can see himself as guiltless
and in the peace of God. (T-13.X.11)
In the mad world outside you nothing can be shared… Within
yourself you love your brother with a perfect love. Here is holy ground,… where
only the truth in your brother can abide. (T-18.I.9)
So why is it so hard to express this
love even when we know we should. It starts, as always, with the idea of
separation and the resulting ego-dominated world we believe we live in. We have
seen how all the pain and fear and guilt in this world is the result of the ego
telling us we are separate from everyone else, a lone individual who must build
up internal and external defenses to keep the dangers of the world at bay.
Some of the dangers we see are from
our brothers, who we believe on occasion have the intent to harm us, whether
this is some stranger out to attack us, or someone close to us who hurts us
emotionally. It seems obvious there are people we must avoid and others we must
defend ourselves against. As long as we listen to the ego, we will focus on the
external dangers and never realize those perceived dangers all originate in our
Here for once we have an explanation
for why loving everyone is so hard. It’s not because we lack some kind of will
power, nor because we are fighting some kind of evil in the world or in
ourselves. It’s because we are making an active choice every day to see the
world the way we do. We are choosing to listen to the ego and not to the Holy
Spirit as we make our decisions. The Course is very clear about this – the
world you see is the world you project. If you see your brother as a danger to
you, you have projected that image onto the world first and then perceived the
Now the idea of trying to repress all
the negative feelings we have about our brothers is shown to be completely
futile. Those negative feelings are something we have made and to then turn
around and try to suppress them is absurd. We will never be able to love
another if we do not address all the negative feelings within and the ones we
perceive in the world. One can never force love to happen. Love is there
waiting once we let go of our ego-driven thoughts.
Forgiving Everyone
Fortunately for us, the Course takes
it to the next step and offers us a clear path for removing these negative,
non-loving thoughts from our minds. It is through the practice of forgiveness
that we can let these non-loving thoughts go, seeing them for the illusions
they are. Each act of forgiveness makes loving that much easier.
Make way for love, which you did not create, but which you
can extend. On earth this means forgive your brother, that the darkness may be
lifted from your mind. (T-29.III.4)
In the Course, we have another
advantage, the help of the Holy Spirit. We do not need to do this all alone. We
don’t have to figure out how we can express more love. By getting in touch with
the Holy Spirit within, we will be guided as we forgive the illusions we
believed our brother had committed against us. With this help, we will no
longer have to try to repress our negative feelings. Instead we can look all
these non-loving thoughts squarely in the eye, and through forgiving every one
of them, we can let the love that is our natural state come through.
To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do
not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception
holds. Accept as true only what your brother is, if you would know yourself...
Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its
reality. (T-9.IV.1)
It is this shared Identity, knowing
your brother is like you, observing what is the same about you rather than what
is different, that will ultimately lead you to the discovery of the love and
peace within you. Through the practice of forgiveness, we begin to see all
those we walk beside in this world as just like us and not as a threat in any
way. It is possible to live in this world knowing that you and everyone else
are safe and loved.
What It Would Be Like
As we proceed on our path of
forgiveness, we can in time begin to experience continual forgiveness, where
every non-loving thought that arises is instantly forgiven. When this occurs,
we will no longer be in a battle with the ego, but will always be in touch with
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit expresses only love and when we keep the
connection with the Holy Spirit in the center of our thoughts, we too can
express only love.
And along with this comes the state of
peace the Course promises us is our due. When you know that through
forgiveness, nothing can disturb the love and peace in your mind, when you hold
your communication with the Holy Spirit as central in your mind, and when you
see your brother as one with yourself, you will lead a life of True Peace,
miles and eons away from the ego-influenced life you so long endured.
We can now see it is how we think
about our life, how we think about our brother, that ultimately determines our
experience. It is our thought processes that lead us to choose between the
ego’s view of the world and the Holy Spirit’s view. So now perhaps we can
replace the ‘Love thy neighbor’ phrase with this phrase,
Respond to everything with love.
For it is how we respond to the events
in our lives that determines whether we are expressing the ego’s view or
forgiveness. If we can realize in real-time our response to a situation, and
can instantly replace any negative thoughts or feelings with love, we have
defeated the ego in its drive to convince us we are unhappy. If we can
instantly forgive every non-loving thought with the help of the Holy Spirit, we
will replace that thought with love.
In the real world there is no sickness, for there is no
separation and no division. Only loving thoughts are recognized, and because no
one is without your help, the Help of God goes with you everywhere. As you
become willing to accept this Help by asking for It, you will give It because
you want It… Ask, then, to learn of the reality of your brother, because this
is what you will perceive in him, and you will see your beauty reflected in
his. (T-11.VIII.10)
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